6 Business lessons I have learnt in the past 2 years

Since i started my life coaching business there are things I have learnt and I want someone else to get a lesson or two. 1. Ideas do not come fully formed Don't wait till you have all the information, resources etc. All you need is your idea and everything will take shape. Start where you are with what you have. Ideas will come as you grow and gain experience. Entepreneuship is a journey. Do it afraid. Most people are hold back by fear but do it afraid anyway. When i started as a life coach i was a jack of all trades but as i grew in the business i found my niche and now i am a confidence coach. Even my logo was just basic but now its more colorful and meaningful to my goals and vision. #justdoit 2. You will think of quitting so many times They say start a business its worth it, i am yet to see the worth it part lol. When you start your business, you have so much energy and passion to serve. You feel like you will change the world but hunnay! reality will humble you...