I wish i could.....
Hey guys How are you all doing? I have been away for sometime, school can be rough sometimes LOL! Today I want to share with you things that I wish I could do/have. For the past year I have been sharing with you how confident I am about myself but to be honest there is a time where I wish I was someone different. Do not get me wrong I do not let these thoughts ruin my confidence but it is something very natural. EVEN HEROES DO CRY. LOL! Some of the wishes i will share here are very petty. Here we go: I wish i was tall There is nothing as frustrating as walking into a building and unable to reach the door handle. If there is no one around then I will wait outside till forever. Especially when I am in Zimbabwe I struggle a lot accessing a lot of buildings all by myself. 90% of my life in Zimbabwe I depend on people which is very frustrating. It is not always when people are around to help. They have their own life to attend to. At least I found a solution at home, I use a ...